
Fixed rate natural gas supply for the Golden State

We welcome the people of California to keep your summers cool and monthly natural gas bills predictable with SFE Energy California.

Discover a path to cleaner green energy

Wondering how you can contribute to the planet? SFE California makes it easy with our Eco Natural Gas Program. We’re dedicated to helping you choose affordable, environmentally responsible energy options. After all, our planet is fragile, and you can do your part to help protect it!

American Forest

SFE Energy’s Eco Natural Gas Program matches its customers’ natural gas usage with corresponding carbon offsets.  In support of SFE Energy’s Eco Natural Gas Program, SFE Energy purchases carbon offsets from a carbon offset registry such as CSA GHG Clean Projects Registry, American Carbon Registry (ACR), the Climate Action Reserve (CAR), the Gold Standard (GS), and the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Program.  The listed carbon offset projects on these registries are subject to independent third party verification. For its 50% Eco Natural Gas product, SFE Energy purchases and retires on its customers’ behalf, an amount of verified carbon emissions reductions, instruments or allowances to offset 3.0 tonnes per 1000 therms, which is equivalent to 50% carbon emissions reduction, of CO2 or CO2e produced based on its customers’ natural gas usage amount.  On an annual basis, SFE Energy verifies that 50% of each customer’s total annual natural gas usage has been offset with corresponding carbon emissions reductions, instruments or allowances pursuant to the aforementioned metric.

California is home to thousands who know that there is more to the state than the Golden Gate Bridge, Disneyland, and Hollywood.*

Californian residents know that their state got it all! Aside from their vibrant cities, beaches, and amusement parks**, the state is also globally known for being rich in energy resources*** and that’s why their residents deserve to have their natural gas budget under control.

Sign up with SFE Energy California’s fixed rate programs and choose to step off the roller-coaster of natural gas prices.